Tuesday, July 31, 2018

A Very Interesting Morning

We were headed out to do grocery shopping when Gordon told me the A&A was receiving the flatbed car (minus wheels) that goes under the coal tender they received last week from Baltimore, MD.  This had been a deal. The A&A fixed up & painted an older tender they had & shipped it to Baltimore where it will be used for a Baltimore & Ohio display.  In return, they sent us a larger tender that was too big for them, but will (some day) go behind the old #14 Steam Train the A&A has.  First, much fundraising needs to be done & both the engine & this "new" tender need work.

Anyway, we went to the train yard and watch as the tender arrived on a flatbed truck.  It took two forklifts to get off the truck.  Then they had to maneuver it over by old tracks at the back of their property.  The top part had been sitting in the grass for a while, uneven with nothing under it.  So, they then managed to maneuver it over to put on top of the car.  We watched & took pictures.  I videoed various parts of it.  It was quite an operation. 

We finally left to do our grocery shopping around 1pm.

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