Friday, May 13, 2011

Had a Great Birthday

That was last week, but I didn't get to write it down then. The family generously supplied me with presents.

Gordon gave me a new back-pack which I have already started using in place of the older book-bag back-pack that Kim had given me when she quit using it. It was on its last -- what, not legs. The lining was flaking off inside & the zippers were wearing out -- even the reflective tape was wearing off. Anyway, the new one is made for a woman & fits well. It loads from the top & is long, rather than sticking out when loaded.

Kim sent a new pump for my bicycle. It attaches to the bike, but she says she doesn't leave hers on it for fear of it's being stolen. It's a good one & I'm happy to have it. When we take longer rides, I'll be sure to put it on the bike, even if I don't for going back & forth to the library to work.

Barb sent a certificate from Barnes & Nobel. It came as an email & can be used several ways -- either in the store, or on-line; and either for real (paper) books or Nook books. I decided this would be a good thing to put toward Nook books & after Barb made a recommendation, I downloaded a book for later reading. It's great to know that with it on the Nook I can get to it anytime, along with others I've downloaded.

As a fitting end to my birthday, Gordon took me to Chanderson's for dinner. We both had different fish dishes, which we cut in half before we started. We took the other half home & had another meal the next day. We've started doing this when we eat out. It keeps us from over-eating, as well as giving us a second meal later. Both ways we win.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Osama bin Laden was killed Sunday night

Now that the charismatic leader of al-Qaida is no longer alive, how do I feel, and what happens now -- in our country, in the world?

Some gathered thoughts from others while I get mine in order:

From Michael Caine: Celebrate? His killing does not bring back 1 life he had a part in taking. In life he hurt innocent people; his death may accomplish as much. Celebrating death when someone's life can not be celebrated? Can killing, even someone who caused much violence & destruction, work good? W/ so much hatred & misunderstanding already causing harm, have we thrown gasoline on fires around the world?

From Dona Schaper: In this early time after Osama bin Laden's death, the nation turns to the meaning of the word closure. Ten years ago a terrible thing happened. The anniversary itself is begging us to close this account and its accounting. If revenge could have worked to create closure, revenge would already have its revenge. In the death of the personification of the terrorist act, we have a chance for another kind of closure. Enough, we say, when there is enough blood upon blood. Bastante, in the Spanish, which often has a stronger sound.

Me? I understand the reason for wanting to go after Osama Bin Laden, as the leader who planned the 9/11 attacks and others. It was such a horrendous thing, it's natural to want to go after the leader who planned such destruction and killing. Okay, now we've done that. After 10 years, he was found and killed in a firefight. Where are we now? Does this bring closure? Is this the end of terrorism? I think not. When does violence end violence? I saw a quote yesterday which I believe:
"Yes, it is love that will save our world and our civilization, love even for enemies." MLK, Jr.
We need to get beyond violence and retribution somehow. We need to realize we are all a part of the same family - the human family. As such, we have much more in common that we have realized up to this point. We may have different religions, different cultural customs, different languages, different colors. But we are all still members of the human family and live together on one planet. We need to learn to care for each other or there will never be an end to wars. I pray we learn this.