Saturday, May 9, 2009

Successful Basket Auction

Successful for the Friends of the Library. Neither my boss, Sue, nor I won any of the baskets. But it's still a good worthy cause to donate money to. There were about 68 or 72 baskets donated and some very very nice ones in the bunch.

This morning started out sunny and somewhat warm, even got close to 65ยบ then turned dark & threatening. Then the sun came out again. It was like that off and on much of the day. By the time we closed the library at 2pm the sky to the west was very dark and threatening and the wind was getting strong. I went to the supermarket quickly to pick up a few things. As I got out of the car I had to hang onto the door it was so windy. By the time I came out again it was sunny, though there were raindrops on the car. The temp had started to go down and now after dinner it's in the 50s, but feels colder due to the wind. We're under a high wind warning until midnight or 2AM & I heard the fire radio reporting downed trees & power lines in nearby towns.

With all of that, it's still been a nice day. I successfully made some beans & rice for dinner (success means it turned out well) which we served wrapped in a tortilla. Now I need to learn to make tortillas. But for now, buying corn tortillas will have to do. Apple crisp made by using my new apple peeler corer (a birthday present from my girls) topped the dinner.

With luck we won't lose power due to the wind, or any of our trees in the back yard.

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